
January 26, 2012

First Year Bloggerversary

So I just realized today is my first bloggerversary! My, my how time flies! It was fun looking back at my first year, seeing how my blog has grown, the great blog friends I have met, and all the great blogs out there I follow. Thank you for reading my blog and most likely I enjoy reading yours as well! If it wasn't for your visits and comments I probably would not be here writing my 1 year post! Thank you for the support and inspirations!

I originally started this as a way to help me store and organize my favorite images. My computer was getting too full of images in folders so I thought putting them in a blog would be a way to virtually store them. I wonder if Pinterest existed back then if I would have even started this. Now, I can't live without either one! 

Looking back over the year here is a little recap of my first year as a blogger! 

My very first blog post was on Blue & White Decor which is my fave! I even have a Pinterest board dedicated to it. 

My most popular post by viewers last year was Amazing Closets. I was inspired by the amazing closet from Sex and the City 2.

Lastly, my most commented post was the amazing Christmas with Mary McDonald post. How can you not love her work. I had actually come across these photos in the Spring and saved them up all year for Christmas. 


  1. Congratulations!! I'm coming up on mine if a couple of months...amazing how times flies! You should be VERY proud of what you've done in a year!

  2. Woohoo! My first blogoversary is coming up in March! I'm a huge lover of blue and white too!

  3. Happy Blogiversary! I really enjoy reading your blog :-)

  4. Congratulations on your One Year Blogiversary!!

    I love coming over to read your latest!

    Art by Karena

  5. Happy Anniversary! I am so glad you started blogging and love stopping by for a bit of inspiration! Cheers to another great year!

  6. Congratulations. What fun to have a recap of your best posts.

  7. congrats on 1 year of blogging- here's to many more! xoxo

  8. congrats on your blogversary! I always enjoy reading your blog.
