
February 6, 2012

Stylish Ways to Hide your Television

The day after most of America's eyes were focused on the television watching the Super Bowl, or like me, the commercials, I wanted to feature a post about stylish ways to hide your TV. 

Televisions are essential in most households and yet I see so many photos of beautiful interiors with no TV. Sometimes I wonder if the photos were taken before the TV was put up, or if they just have it elsewhere. Below are a few photos that used neat ways to hide/camouflage their television.

Do you have an interesting way to hide your television? I must admit mine is mounted above the mantel.

Door from Burgundy, France was used to hide tv above in this French Provencial room from Veranda

Built in TV cabinet above mantel which slides open from Houzz

Builts in provde a way to hide a tv in this room from House Beautiful

French reclaimed doors were used to create a cabinet that hides the tv (on the left) above the fireplace from Trad Home

Camouflage the tv with a dark paint color and add some molding so there is no large contrast from Jerry Jacobs Design

Here is a neat way to have artwork that slides open and close to hide and reveal your tv from Shelterness

Sliding wood panels can hide this recessed tv from Apartment Therapy


  1. These are great. We really like the first two designs. The barn doors are fantastic.

  2. These are great ideas. Unfortunately we have the tv on the top of the entertainment unit but it is in the family room and not the living room so not so in-your-face.

  3. I really like the stone fireplace with the barn door and hardware style - perfect in a country house. The one with the art work would be my next favourite. I don't hide my tv rather I have it on a beautiful console and then I placed some artwork around the tv so that it doesn't pop right off of the wall.
    Thanks for commenting on my Iconic Monday's post - his designs are very interesting but I have to agree I think i like the twig lamp best and it would definitely be the easiest to incorporate in a room.

  4. My favorite is the second picture you posted! I've always loved the idea of having a TV covered by a beautiful piece of artwork!

  5. its a great idea !! i love it, thanks for sharing :D

  6. Great ideas! Fortunately (or unfortunately) my TV is pretty small and the frame is white, so it kinda looks good among all the books and accessories on my white bookshelf.

  7. we had ours framed for the longest time but recently moved to a place where it is almost impossible to hang things. Great ideas!

  8. Lovely inspirational ideas. Hope you don't mind my suggestions - unashamedly self promoting my business as I hide TVs for a living!

  9. Awesome post! Thanks for sharing these.All are great and I love them all.:)
