
January 6, 2015

Champagne and Truffle Pineapple

Happy New Year's! What better way to bring in the new year with a twist on champagne as a gift! I came across this cutest hostess gift idea from some German blogs!  A bottle of champagne covered in Ferroro Rocher chocolates (which you can get anywhere) to make it look like a pineapple. Since pineapples are the symbol of hospitality in the South, spruce up the next bottle you bring someone!

This has been one of my favorites where an actual pineapple top was glued on, large champagne bottle was covered in tissue and covered with lots of truffes (86 to be exact) from German blogger, Bitavin. This version send the truffles higher to the top. 

Here is the simplest version I found where you can glue yellow tissue paper squares on each candy then glue to the bottle. from from German site, Echtlustig

This version left the tissue paper that comes on the truffle and the sticker and uses silks for the stem. If traveling, wrap it in plastic for no truffle loss from Conny Simon

This version uses Werther's Originals instead from flyinghousewive blog

Here is another example with gold tissue on each piece and tissue leaves from  Mara-macabre

Here the stickers were kept on, and assorted textured paper used for the leaves from Paperblog

Here is a Youtube video where they used a beer bottle instead in case you need a little help!


  1. Love this idea! How clever! Just found your blog and love it! I knew you were southern without looking! Can't wait to follow you!

  2. What a fun, cute idea! This would even make cute party favors if you were willing to put in the time to make a bunch, haha!
