
February 2, 2013

TV Over Mantel

Based on last year's number 111.3 million people watched the Super Bowl last year! That is a lot of eyes looking at a television so I wanted to feature a post featuring televisions. 

In the world of decorating, some say a television over the mantel is a no-no. Others, would rather enjoy practicality and put a TV there. We have a TV above our mantel and I wouldn't have it any other way. Last year I did a post on ways to hide your TV. This year, I am embracing the TV over the mantel! Here are some (hard to find) examples where the homeowner decided to have a TV and go against their designer's wishes!



  1. I'm one of those people scared to hang a tv over the mantel! I don't know why, but I prefer my TV on a stand. Maybe I'm scared it will fall off the wall :-). Doesn't make sense, I know.

  2. I think a TV on a mantel can work well if done elegantly! love these looks

  3. love this idea! i wish that i actually had a fireplace and mantel to do this. xx

  4. We thought about TV over the mantel and I even considered plopping down serious cash for a see-through mirror type thing to cover it. We ended up putting it somewhere else. I'm still on the fence about TV over the mantel, but these examples look good.

  5. As someone who loves to watch movies, I'm sure their will be a TV above my mantel/nearby in the future!
