
August 29, 2011

Painting Architectural Details

I have collected images where paint was used to either highlight nice architectural details, or paint is used to "mimic" these architectural details. Either way, these are ways to highlight or add some nice features.

Love the blue trim against the sand colored grass paper.

Darker trim around the cabinets, baseboards and windows highlights the details from Coastal Living

Built in closet doors painted with white trim from Lonny

Frames and Headboard like architectural details made from contact paper-DIY tutorial here

Light gray painted on the door for emphasis on door panels

Painted architectural details

DIY Tutorial on how to increase the size of your existing baseboards from The House of Smiths

{Please note a few of these pictures have been saved on my external hard drive before I began blogging, and I don't have the source of some of the pictures. If you know the origin, let me know and I will reference these.}


  1. Love the first image with the blue trim and the beautiful grasscloth wallpaper! Also love that the blue trim seems to frame the fabulous armchair in front of the fireplace in that picture!

  2. I like the fourth picture, really puts it into perspective.
